Incredible. Ignorance. Exemplified. About Climate Change.

how the climate change debate has devolved throughout the years. it’s time to act people!

Please Watch This
A Chronology of What Has Happened to the Climate Debate Since “An Inconvenient Truth”

Vox recently made a short film about climate change that chronicles how the dialogue around global warming (i.e., the science behind it, the impacts it generates, and the presence of the phenomenon itself) has changed over the past 10 years.

Believe it or not, this month marks the 10 year anniversary of “An Inconvenient Truth”. The Vox film begins with the messages that Al Gore’s film offered to the world and slowly carries you to the present moment.

In our opinion, it was rather unsettling to see how the debate around climate has devolved throughout these 10 years. It seems partisan political interests (i.e., mostly on the Republican side) have had a dramatic, negative effect on how climate change is not only communicated to the public, but also how policy has stalled to do anything about it.

Watch the film for yourself and let us know what you think. Hopefully you agree by the end of the video that something needs to be done to reduce the severity and consequences of climate change.

Let’s Talk About It.


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