“Daughter of The Lake” – A New, Poignant Documentary Film

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“Daughter of The Lake”
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Just from watching the trailer of this film, we couldn’t help but to be impacted. We couldn’t help but to feel for Nelida, the individual who carries this story. We wanted to empathize, but knew that there was no way we could possibly know and feel what she was and is going through.

Nelida, an Andean woman, fights everyday for basic human needs. For water. For land. For food. Her life — and quality of it — is being threatened by those who want to use her land for mining – to use her land to satiate their greed. It’s another pressing example of the mining industry’s thirst for Earth’s resources.

This documentary follows Nelida and tells the story of her, her family and her village, and how they are working to reclaim their land — land that is so rightfully theirs.

Here’s the synopsis of the film, provided by their production team:

“At the height of the Peruvian gold rush, Nelida, an Andean woman able to communicate with water spirits, uses her powers to prevent a mining corporation from destroying the body of water she considers her mother. A gold deposit valued at billions of dollars lies just beneath Nelida’s lakes and leads farmers and Latin America’s biggest gold producer into conflict.” See more.

*Images by Guarango Film & Video

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