3 Best Videos of Climate Change Debates (The Climate Scientists Win)

it’s always fun to see a healthy debate where logic, reason & good causes win

3 Climate Change Debates
Winner: Science

1. This first debate is a doozy. This debate on climate change is between, astrophysicist, cosmologist, and science communicator, Neil deGrasse Tyson and, former General Motors (GM) executive, Bob Lutz.

The debate occurred on Real Time with Bill Maher, so Bill Maher does get involved, but the bulk of the discussion / debate is between the two aforementioned. We’re fans of this debate, as Tyson takes control early and ends with a strong point that corners Lutz. It’s also interesting to note who deploys the current scientific findings.

2. This debate is incredible. When you watch it, you may think that it’s not so much a debate, but more a conversation. That is, Bill Nye brilliantly positions himself as not only an authority on climate science and the impact climate change will have on the world, but also a concerned citizen and family-man who cares about people and future generations. Marc Morano is a professional climate change denier (if that even exists). He travels the world claiming that climate change doesn’t exist. It’s very refreshing to watch Bill Nye quiet him.

3. Naomi Klein is a Canadian author, social activist, and author of a number of top-selling books, including “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate”. In our opinion, “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate” is one of the foremost books on the political and economic ramifications of climate change. We’ve featured this book on a number of our pages. The book — and the assertions she makes — are considered somewhat contentions, but, overall, the book is widely well-received and has earned a great number of accolades.

In this video, Klein debates Tom Switzer, a Conservative columnist, and utterly dismantles his argument. He introduces a handful of climate-denying claims, but is ultimately confuted by Klein and the other panel members. One panel member offers a brilliant question towards the end of the debate, that leaves Switzer silent. Seriously. That’s not an exaggeration.

Let’s Talk About It.


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