The Newest Portable Water Powered Generator

on-the-go clean, renewable energy

Meet, Estream
A Portable Water-Powered Generator that Fits in Your Backpack

Estream is the newest eco-oriented project on Kickstarter that’s gaining quite a bit of attention. It already has $138,381 pledged, which has far exceeded its goal of $80,000.

According to their site, “Estream is a portable water-power generator that converts any type of moving water, such as that from a river or stream, into stored energy to charge most of today’s usb-connected mobile devices, even while you are off the grid.”

It’s pretty much the perfect device if you’re a hiker, camper, or avid outdoorsmans. As the video below suggests, you can set it in a stream or river, or even attach it to the end of your kayak, and it’ll gain enough energy to charge your phone or electronic device.

We don’t have much else to say — check out their Kickstarter below and support this product.

*Images by EnergyNomad

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