Tea & Coffee
High-quality tea & coffee blends & accessories — including ethically sourced, organic loose leaf tea & Fair Trade coffee beans.

Organic, Non-GMO, Fair Trade Tumeric Ginger Tea
By: Rishi

Organic, Sustainable Practices, Fair Trade Hibiscus Ginger Tea
By: Tao of Tea

Fair Trade, Organic, Philanthropic Dark Roast Coffee
By: Peace Coffee

Fair Trade, Organic, Sustainable French Roast Coffee
By: Equal Exchange
Did you know?
Some teas from popular brands contain “Artificial Flavoring”, “Soy Lecithin” and “Modified Corn Starch“. Tea shouldn’t need flavorings – or contain emulsifiers. Additionally, certain ‘all natural’ teas are not washed before they are bagged, and contain traces of pesticides! When purchasing tea, make sure the ingredients are pure, organic tea leaves and nothing else.

Organic, Non-GMO, Fair Trade Green Mint Tea
By: Rishi

Fair Trade, Organic Coconut Chai Tea
By: Zhena’s Gypsy Tea

Fair Trade, Organic Coffee
By: Intelligensia

Organic, Fair Trade, Whole Leaf Hibiscus Tea
By: Starwest Botanicals

Fair Trade, Organic Single Serve Keurig Coffee Cups
By: Green Mountain Coffee

Fair Trade, Organic Loose Leaf Earl Grey Tea (London)
By: Hampstead Tea

Fair Trade, Organic Loose Leaf English Breakfast Tea (London)
By: Steenbergs Tea

Fair Trade, Organic, Recycled and Biodegradable Green Tea
By: Qi Tea
Did you know?
Many big tea brands use plastic or corn-based tea bags. While corn-based bags are biodegradable, they are created from conventional corn products, which will diffuse into your tea when it’s steeped. Plastic bags are commonly created from PET, or food-grade nylon, which is considered safe (when used at room temperature). When steeped in boiling water, however, you risk having plastics leak into your tea. To avoid this, opt for loose leaf teas, or cloth and tea bags.

Fair Trade, Organic, Shade Grown & Sustainable Coffee
By: Larry’s Beans

Organic, Fair Trade Cleanse Tea
By: Pukka

Glass and Stainless Steel Tea Kettle
By: Willow and Everett

Fair Trade, Organic Earl Greater Grey Tea
By: Zhena’s Gypsy Tea
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tea-coffee-2-loose leaf tea organic matcha loose leaf tea infuser fair trade tea
Discover the best organic loose leaf tea, organic matcha, and fair trade, organic green tea blends. Find loose leaf tea infusers and sustainable tea brands. Discover the best organic loose leaf tea, organic matcha, and fair trade, organic green tea blends. Find loose leaf tea infusers and sustainable tea brands. Discover the best organic loose leaf tea, organic matcha, and fair trade, organic green tea blends. Find loose leaf tea infusers and sustainable tea brands. Discover the best organic loose leaf tea, organic matcha, and fair trade, organic green tea blends. Find loose leaf tea infusers and sustainable tea brands.