Project, “Dear Tomorrow” Seeks to Tell the Stories of Those Affected By Climate Change

write a letter & let future populations know your story & promise

Meet, Dear Tomorrow
A Project for The Future of Climate Change

“Dear Tomorrow” is helping to bridge the gap between present and future generations through the frame of climate change and story telling.

They ask the interested community to write letters to their younger family members and friends, communicating a promise that they’ll keep to help fight climate change and, thus, create a better future for those who growing up in an era of climate degradation.

According to their site, this is their mission: “DearTomorrow is inspiring people to send open letters, photos and videos about climate change to loved ones living in the future. We are building an archive of the messages in order to preserve this important moment for future generations. These messages will be released in the years 2030 and 2050.”

Writing and sending a message is easy. You can either simply submit one through their site or record a video of yourself to pass along. Here’s where you can take part.

Below you’ll find a video of what a message can look like.

Let’s Talk About It.


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Project, “Dear Tomorrow” Seeks to Tell the Stories of Those Affected By Climate Change


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