New Documentary Film on The Negative Health & Environmental Effects of Pesticides

“Circle of Poison”

An Eye-Opening Documentary
Feat. Jimmy Carter, Noam Chomsky, the Dalai Lama. & More

Topics related to food, cooking, nutrition, and agriculture have been becoming increasingly popular in recent years. This is, perhaps in part, due to the food culture that’s taken over Instagram, but also, more importantly, because of a rise in the level of awareness around how the food you eat effects your body, mind and overall health. Additionally, it’s a product of a greater sense of wanting to know where the food you’re eating actually came from.

A nice example of this popularity can be seen in the attention towards Farmers Markets. According to Google Trends, searches for the term “Farmers Market” have been increasing at a linear rate since 2004. For us city people (living in New York City), the popularity of Farmers Markets is very much apparent — and we couldn’t be happier about it.

However, there is still a great deal of change that needs to take place in the food and agriculture industry. Organic agriculture, which is defined by the USDA as, “agricultural methods that preserve the environment and avoid most synthetic materials, such as pesticides and antibiotics”, represents a very small portion of the agriculture industry (still under 10%), relative to conventional agricultural methods. However, it is on the rise. According to a 2014 Census on Agriculture, organic farms rose from 10,903 in 2010, to 12,634 in 2014.

The remaining 90% or so of non-organic agricultural land, of course, isn’t all bad — but agricultural practices that use significant amounts of pesticides, herbicides, and other synthetic growth formulas must be assessed. “Circle of Poison” seeks to address these unsustainable and largely unhealthy methods of food production. In short, this documentary explores how the agricultural industries use such harmful chemicals in our food — not only causing problems for those who eat the food, but also for those who live near these facilities.

If you’re more interested, we’ve included the trailer below. We’ve also included a link to where you can watch this film.

*Images by

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