Movies & Documentaries

Fun, thought-provoking & pertinent films that may enhance your understanding of human health, climate change & nature. Don’t worry, we’ve watched each one & we love them.

BLACKFISH (Amazon & Netflix)

Forks Over Knives (Amazon & Netflix)

Vegucated (Amazon Prime)

Food Matters (Amazon Prime & Netflix)

Did you know?

Since the release of Blackfish, SeaWorld’s stock has dropped by half. Due to mounting public pressure, they’ve announced they will end their theatrical Orca show by the end of 2016. You can read more about the impact of this documentary and recent developments here.

That Sugar Film (Amazon Prime)

The Cove (Amazon)

Tapped (Amazon)

Virunga (Netflix)

A Kit of Kits with the Top Books on Climate Change (Reviewed)


Gifts for the Mindful and the Environmentalist


4 Books | A Kit with the Best, Must-Reads About Corporate Greed


A Few New & Popular Vegan & Vegetarian Cookbooks (Top Reviewed)


Food Inc. (Amazon and Netflix)

Super Size Me (Netflix)

The True Cost (Netflix)

King Corn (Amazon)

Did you know?

In order to make informed decisions about the food you choose to eat, you need to be aware that we are selecting our diets in a marketing environment full of misleading and exaggerated nutritional advice. Take responsibility for your dietary choices by educating yourself on the food – and the companies – you’re buying from. These documentaries may help.

David Vs Monsanto (Amazon Prime)

Freakonomics (Amazon and Netflix)

Ingredients (Amazon Prime)

Hungry For Change (Amazon Prime)

top reviewed environmental documentaries

Discover the top reviewed environmental documentaries, and films that provoke social and environmental change. These are all ‘must-see’ films. top reviewed environmental documentaries. Discover the top reviewed environmental documentaries, and films that provoke social and environmental change. These are all ‘must-see’ films. top reviewed environmental documentaries. top reviewed environmental documentaries. top reviewed environmental documentaries.

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