Is Population A Significant Environmental Problem?

3 videos that answer this question

The Population Problem
What We Know

As the video says, “…there are people on this planet that have seen the human population triple…”. Just let that soak in for a second. This video is part of a series of videos that cover the ecological impact of population growth. The video begins by detailing the sheer growth of the population over the past century, and continues into a thorough discussion of population growth rates, patterns and strategies. There is also a discussion of how resource distribution is impacted by population growth, which generates its own assortment of ethical issues, in addition to environmental ones.

In this video, Alan Weisman, American author, professor, and journalist, makes a very certain stance on the topic of population growth, stating that it is a problem that needs to be addressed. Weisman chronicles the evolution of the conversation around population growth and population control, which begin in the 18th century. He also details the political ramifications of certain policy decisions that seek to control population and/or reproductive rights. Weisman ends by talking about how exponential population growth has severe, negative impacts on our food systems and agriculture methods.

This video is a bit different from the other two, as it re-frames this question and asks, “How Many People Can The Earth Hold?” The narrators answers this question by citing resource distribution strategies and detailing the many changes to our food and agriculture systems that will need to take place if our population grows too fast, too soon.

Let’s Talk About It.


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