Healthy Snacks

Organic, vegan and/or gluten-free snack bars, veggie chips & artisan sweets for healthy living.

Vegan, Gluten Free, Organic Protein Bar
By: gomacro

Organic, Vegan Superfood Protein Bar
By: ProBar

Vegan, Gluten Free, Soy-Free Chia Bar
By: Health Warrior

Non-GMO, Organic Dried Mango
By: Peeled Snacks

Did you know?

Many protein bars, yogurts and granola snacks tout being a healthy alternative to processed snack foods, but contain as much sugar as a candy bar. Don’t believe misleading health claims – “real fruit” is great, but not when it’s weighed down with 10 to 15 grams of added sugar. Look out for these hidden sugars in the ingredients list. We’ve got your back.

Non-GMO, Organic Dried Pineapple
By: Nature’s All

Vegan, Bee-Free Honey
By: Honee

Gluten Free, Kosher Chocolate Chip Cookies
By: Glutino

Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Vegan Blue Tortilla Chips
By: Garden of Eatin’

Healthy Living Essentials for a Plant-based Morning Routine


Top-Reviewed Vegan Egg Substitutes


Top 10 Best Vegan & Vegetarian Restaurants in NYC (Reviewed & Rated)


A Kits of Kits: A Healthy Plant-Based, Vegan Morning Routine


Vegan, Gluten Free, All Natural Multigrain Chips
By: Food Should Taste Good

Vegan, All Natural Protein Cookie
By: Lenny & Larry

Gluten Free, Organic Brown Rice Cakes
By: Lundberg

Non-GMO, Organic Dried Pea Snack
By: Peeled Snacks

Did you know?

Many large brands use preservatives like BHT, BHA and TBHQ in their granolas, cereals and health bars. These preservatives are outlawed in the UK, Japan and many other countries in the EU because they are believed to be carcinogenic.
Check the box! We do.

Non-GMO, Organic Apple Clusters
By: Peeled Snacks

Gluten Free, Fair Trade, Non-GMO Fruit and Nut Bar

Vegan, Gluten Free, Paleo Seaweed Snack
By: SeaSnax

Fair Trade, Charitable, Gluten Free Dark Chocolate
By: Endangered Species

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