Guides for Conscious Consumers

Learn about the prominent movements, topics, and terms in this new and budding field of conscious consumerism. These guides are crafted and curated by our team here at Agreeable & Co. and offer you an ‘everything you need to know’ experience about subjects like ethical fashion, gluten-free nutrition, corporate sustainability, and much more.

Need To Know: Ethical Clothing, Fair Trade Fashion, Socially Responsible Fashion Brands

My goal in creating this guide is to cover the salient aspects of the “slow” and “fast” fashion industries — from both a historical and moral perspective — and to provide current information on what the more progressive fashion brands are doing to embrace responsible design and production.


Need to Know: Sustainable Fashion, Eco Friendly Clothing & Sustainable Fashion Brands

A guide with everything you need to know about sustainable fashion — meant to broaden your understanding of responsible design in fashion, provide a framework for how and why sustainable fashion brands act sustainably, and discuss, in particular, many of the common sustainable textiles used in the fashion industry.


Need to Know: Veganism, A Vegan Diet & How it Relates to Your Health

Upon popular demand, here’s an everything you need to know guide about how a vegan diet relates to your health. I include resources that discuss everything from how cancer and heart disease may relate to your consumption of certain foods, to what vitamins and minerals you should keep an eye on when transitioning to a plant-based diet.


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Recently Added Guides

Need to Know: Veganism, A Vegan Diet & How it Relates to Your Health

Upon popular demand, here’s an everything you need to know guide about how a vegan diet relates to your health. I include resources that discuss everything from how cancer and heart disease may relate to your consumption of certain foods, to what vitamins and minerals you should keep an eye on when transitioning to a plant-based diet.

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Handmade & curated guides for conscious consumers, covering any and all fields with respect to conscious consumption – from fashion, to health & nutrition.

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