Ask Yourself, “What Will The World Look Like with a 10-Foot Rise in Sea Level”

it’s time to become climate conscious

How to Confront Climate Change
An Interview with Noam Chomsky

There is an increasing need to address climate change — to raise the level of consciousness around climate change and the level or attention that gets put towards its impacts and potential solutions.

In an interview with Noam Chomsky, quite literally one of the most studied people on the planet, an American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, logician, social critic, and political activist, Chomsky details several of the salient threats facing our world with respect to global climate change – or, as I like to say, global climate degradation.

Chomsky offers several examples of those such countries that are seeking to mitigate climate change and adapt, and those that are being impacted greatly by atmospheric warming and sea level rise. The poignant point here, is that the countries that contribute least to climate are the ones the feel its impact in great gravity.

His message does also allude to the deep severity of the issue. In other words, Chomsky does introduce the notion that some changes will be irreparable, and we’ll have to deal with that.

Chomsky also gives specifics as to how the developed nations can fight climate change using technology and policy — however he does note there is no single cure for climate change. Meaningful climate change reform will take several paradigms shifts, ranging from public knowledge and policy, to economics and technological innovation.

In our opinion, the final note is that we need to do something now.

Here’s the full quote from the statement above, “…it’s now pretty much determined that it’s taking place and probably irreversible, and the predictions are that within several generations it will keep increasing, sea level rise, but within a few generations, and let’s play it very fast to about a 10-foot rise in sea level, take a look at the world and ask what will be like with a ten-foot rising sea level?”

Let’s Talk About It.


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