Kit by: Julian K.
A Conscious Citizen

Corporate greed exists. It is something that must be realized, understood, and changed for the better.

‘Corporations’ is a vague term, but generally refers to the larger conglomerates that have a massive influence over market economics. The books I’ve selected narrow in on certain corporations that have this reputation and discuss how and why they came to be. And why they failed, to a certain extent.

These books also discuss the moral underpinnings of greed, capitalism, and the drive of property and material wealth exhibited by big business.

Be aware. Stay aware. Be conscious. Once you know the problem, you can work to fix it.

4 Books – A Kit with the Best, Must-Reads About Corporate Greed

raise your level of awareness

“Civic Empowerment in an Age of Corporate Greed”
By: Edward C. Lorenz

A Conscious Alternative

Civic engagement and civic empowerment are crucial for cities, communities and societies to thrive. This incredible, thought-provoking read incorporates a number of findings from studies and reports that examine how larger financiers and lobbyists oppress and disenfranchise citizens who don’t have access to powerful resources. It takes both a historical and moral approach to these issues. This work is insightful, informative, and eye-opening.

“Greed and Corporate Failure: The Lessons from Recent Disasters”
By: Stewart Hamilton

A Conscious Alternative

A brilliant, comprehensive book. The author reviews a significant number of the past economic disasters that have impacted your — and societies — way of life throughout history. Hamilton also takes a critical look at why these projects and corporate moves ended of in failure, in large part. It leaves you confounded – in a good and bad way.

“Greed: Economics and Ethics in Conflict”
By: James M. Childs

A Conscious Alternative

This is my favorite book of the four. This book examines both the ethical and economic elements and ramifications of socialist and capitalistic models. Childs’ assertions are fair and supported by research. Capitalism certainly has it’s weaknesses. One more thing about this book that I find valuable, it makes clear the many conflicts between selfish economic models and the nature of human ethics. Read this book.

“Age of Greed: The Triumph of Finance and the Decline of America, 1970 to the Present”
By: Jeff Madrick

A Conscious Alternative

This read is predominately ‘historical’ in its perspective of the many failings of greed in America. What I mean by this is, the book chronicles the rise of the American economy, emphasizing the industrial revolution and the rise of the modern financial structures you know today. The author utilizes statements from key economists throughout modern history, and really presses the point that there were moral trade-offs that were made when we started letting greed run rampant. Trade-offs like equality and justice.

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I’m an avid reader and lover of knowledge. I particularly like to read about the relationship between ethics and economics — and socialism and capitalism.

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best books on corporate greed

best books on corporate greed. best books on corporate greed. Discover a kit of four reviewed, must read books, feat. the best book on corporate greed that discuss the conflict between capitalism & socialism. best books on corporate greed. Discover a kit of four reviewed, must read books, feat. the best book on corporate greed that discuss the conflict between capitalism & socialism. best books on corporate greed.

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